Answering Your Questions, GDC Talk, and Being Big in Japan!

Hello people of ClevEndeavia! (we really need to start finding new ways to address you…)

The AskClevEndeav videos are back! It’s been a little while since we did one of these, and Kyler and Alex stepped up to the plate to answer some of your questions. Bonus: this one was recorded in a room that isn’t super echo-ey, and the thumbnail is just fantastic.

In our blog post last month, we talked about our experience at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. While there, Rich gave a talk, and he wrote an article about the talk with the worksheet that was handed out during the session. If you have access to the GDC Vault, you can watch the talk here, unfortunately you need to have a pass from GDC to see it though. If you want to read Rich’s article, you can find that here on Gamasutra.

Also, we’re big in Japan! It seems that the Nintendo Switch community in Japan really loves us. We were voted the top ranked game by players in Japan in March (for digital-only).

We had a video from some big YouTubers on the official Nintendo Japan channel, which you can see below. Even if you don’t speak Japanese, it’s pretty cool.

So what’s been going on with Clever Endeavour in terms of game development (that is what we do right)? Well, we’ve been working on a few different projects, we’re at the very very early stages of creating prototypes that we will try to pitch internally to the team and see what interests people. There’s a wide range of ideas and genres, and we’re not set on any one type of game specifically. We’re going to try to come up with some stellar ideas that stand out above the rest, develop them a little and see what happens. It’s an exciting time here, but unfortunately we can’t share too much about this because we don’t want to make promises we can’t keep.

Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you soon!

Much love,
The Clever Endeavour Crew